Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences

The Relationship Between Fear of Movement, Balance and Fear of Falling in Stroke Patients with Shoulder Pain
Omuz Ağrısı Olan İnme Hastalarında Hareket Korkusu, Denge ve Düşme Korkusu Arasındaki İlişki
aDepartment of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Balıkesir University Faculty of Health Sciences, Balıkesir, TURKEY
bDepartment of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Kırıkkale University Faculty of Health Sciences, Kırıkkale, TURKEY
cHacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara, TURKEY d
dDepartment of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Health Sciences, Bolu, TURKEY
eDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY
Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci. 2021;6(2):274-80
doi: 10.5336/healthsci.2020-76460
Article Language: EN
Full Text
Objective: Shoulder pain is a common problem after stroke and causes functional limitations in patients. Pain leads to keep away from the movement and physical activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fear of movement in stroke patients with shoulder pain and to investigate its relationship with balance and fear of falling. Material and Methods: Forty six stroke patients were included in the study and divided into two groups, with and without shoulder pain. Fear of movement was evaluated by the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, functional balance was by the Berg Balance Scale and fear of falling was by the Tinetti's Falls Efficacy Scale. Results: The mean age of patients with and without pain were 65.60±11.37 years and 60.56±14.18 years respectively. In the shoulder painful group, it was determined that there was a negative correlation between balance and the fear of movement (r=-0.417; p=0.048) and that there was a positive correlation between the fear of falling and the fear of movement (r=0.429; p=0.041). In the shoulder painless group, there was no significant correlation (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between the kinesiophobia values of two groups (p˂0.05). Conclusion: When balance problems and falls observed in stroke patients are combined with pain and fear of movement, it becomes important to take into account and evaluate the fear of movement in rehabilitation practices.

Keywords: Hemiplegia; kinesiophobia; balance; falling, pain
Amaç: Omuz ağrısı, inme sonrası yaygın görülen bir problemdir ve hastalarda fonksiyonel kısıtlılıklara neden olur. Ağrı, hareketten ve fiziksel aktivitelerden uzak durmaya yol açar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, omuz ağrısı olan inmeli hastalarda hareket korkusunu değerlendirmek, denge ve düşme korkusu ile ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 46 inme hastası dâhil edildi ve omuz ağrısı olanlar ve olmayanlar olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Hareket korkusu Tampa Kinezyofobi Ölçeği ile fonksiyonel denge Berg Denge Ölçeği ile ve düşme korkusu Tinetti Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Ağrısı olan ve olmayan hastaların yaş ortalaması sırasıyla 65,60±11,37 yıl ve 60,56±14,18 yıl idi. Omuz ağrılı grupta denge ve hareket korkusu arasında negatif (r=-0,417; p=0,048), düşme korkusu ile hareket korkusu arasında pozitif (r=0,429; p=0,041) korelasyon olduğu belirlendi. Omuz ağrısı olmayan grupta anlamlı korelasyon yoktu (p>0,05). İki grubun hareket korkusu değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p˂0,05). Sonuç: İnme hastalarında görülen denge problemleri ve düşmeler, ağrı ve hareket korkusu ile birleştiğinde, rehabilitasyon uygulamalarında hareket korkusunun dikkate alınması ve değerlendirilmesi önem kazanmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Hemipleji; kinezyofobi; denge; düşme, ağrı
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