Türkiye Klinikleri® is a publishing company established in 1980 to carry on a business in the field of health sciences. Service areas are as follows:

    Periodic Journals: The publishing adventure starting with a general branched and peer-reviewed journal in order to publish information produced in the medical field based on evidence; continues with separate publications from almost every field of medicine in a very broad range and different disciplines such as pharmacy, dentistry, nursery, veterinary medicine, sports sciences, and fields related to the health. While it continues to publish its first journal constantly, the number of peer-reviewed periodic journals has increased continuously since it is established.

    Special Topics Series-Books: Besides Turkish books in various branches, it has started to publish series of journal-book from different disciplines to specific branches, with special topics - regular, as a first in our country. Today, more than 90 Turkish-English books with special topics in different branches, is being published.

    National Competitions: It had published lecture notes and question bank books in accordance with the importance given to the pre- and post-graduate medical education. In addition, it had organized branch competitions with national participation with the aim of preparation of the national and international exams for many years. Since educational tools have been moved to the digital environment as a result of innovations of our present era, these competitions are no longer organized.

    Health Newspaper: It focused on the social aspect of the sector as much as scientific aspect and started publishing a newspaper called “Medimagazin” for health sector both printed and online in 1999, based on the need of communication among healthcare professionals. In a very short time, the newspaper has become the most read and followed news resource in the field in Turkey, and it continues to being published only online without losing any interest of the readers.

    Publishing Processes Follow-up Automation System: As one of the companies having integrated the technological developments quickly to its publishing field, has established an automation system that our company produced and improved its own software for publishing processes in 2005 and started carrying out the publishing processes through this system.

    Association-Institution Journals Publishing Service: Many of the professional association and institution publications in our country use this automation system for their publishing processes. Today, professional publishing service such as web design, article follow-up, language editing, and index follow-up, is provided to many journals.

    Translation-Foreign Publications in Original Language: By collaborating with well-established companies in abroad, many significant sources (journal, book, database, and platform) in the medical field have been made accessible in its original language or translated in Turkish in science literature of our country.

    Türkiye Atıf Dizini (Türkiye Citation Index) In 2010, Türkiye Atıf Dizini has been established and put into service in order to increase interactions among regularly published scientific journals in the health sciences field, thus increase the number of citations, and to enable researchers to reach information easily from a single center. The index, accessible through many university libraries in our country, presents more than 500 periodical publications to the users and this number increases day by day.

    Literature Publishing Support Services: It was put into service in 2010 in order to increase the quality and thus the chance of publishing of the researchers’ papers in national/international journals by editing the paper in terms of literary and scientific language etc. This service has been provided to the authors for their papers in the fields of translation, language reduction, scientific reduction, formatting according to the journal rules, statistical analysis and controlling the statistics since then.

    Türkiye Bilim Terimleri (Türkiye Science Terms): Turkish equivalents of the terms have been created based on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), in order to create a Turkish-national standard to the keywords used in scientific articles with the aim of carrying the scientific publications of our country to the universal standards and Turkey Science Terms has been put into service to all users free of charge. Today, many researchers preparing many journals and articles published in our country, choose the keywords for their articles from this index.

    Türkiye Klinikleri TV: As a result of the evolution of every field into the digital world, Türkiye Klinikleri TV, which is the first internet television for physicians in our country, started its broadcasting life in March 14, 2018 with a new expansion by turning its steps into this field.

    Congress-Symposium Proceeding Books: Proceeding e-book service has been provided since 2019, by preparing the national-international congress and symposium presentations as a full text or abstract book for the publication.

    Akademik Akıl (Academic Mind): In 2020, “Akademik Akıl, interdisciplinary columnist platform” was put into service where academicians of our country from every discipline can express themselves and share their social and professional experiences with society. Columns accessible for everyone, consists of columns written freely by nearly 300 writers today from the fields of social sciences, biological sciences, and natural sciences, the number of which is increasing day by day.

    TUSmedline: When it comes to the year 2021, by moving the services in the medical education field to the digital environment as a requirement of our era, the digital medical education platform TUSmedline, which includes preparation for medical undergraduate education, medical specialty examination (TUS) and minor specialization examination (YDUS), was put into service.

    MD CLUB (Medical Doctor Club): In 2022, a mobile social media sharing platform, MD CLUB, was opened exclusively for medical doctors (App Store or Play Store).

    MS CLUB (Medical Student Club): In 2023, a mobile social sharing media platform MS CLUB, was opened exclusively for medicine and dentistry students (App Store or Play Store).

Today, Türkiye Klinikleri is an international publisher whose publications in Turkish-English are included in national indexes, international indexes, and library catalogues of the world’s leading universities.

Besides that, Türkiye Klinikleri is a lot more than a publishing company who maintains its services professionally in scientific, social, educational, and cultural fields based on health sciences, in order to produce the best for our country with an amateur spirit on the first day and experience from over 40 years, in the light of innovations brought by the new era.

Hope to meet in innovations…

.: Process List



Ortadoğu Reklam Tanıtım Yayıncılık Turizm Eğitim İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

.: Address

Turkocagi Caddesi No:30 06520 Balgat / ANKARA
Phone: +90 312 286 56 56
Fax: +90 312 220 04 70
E-mail: info@turkiyeklinikleri.com

.: Manuscript Editing Department

Phone: +90 312 286 56 56/ 2
E-mail: yaziisleri@turkiyeklinikleri.com

.: English Language Redaction

Phone: +90 312 286 56 56/ 145
E-mail: tkyayindestek@turkiyeklinikleri.com

.: Marketing Sales-Project Department

Phone: +90 312 286 56 56/ 142
E-mail: reklam@turkiyeklinikleri.com

.: Subscription and Public Relations Department

Phone: +90 312 286 56 56/ 118
E-mail: abone@turkiyeklinikleri.com

.: Customer Services

Phone: +90 312 286 56 56/ 118
E-mail: satisdestek@turkiyeklinikleri.com